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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Famous Addresses: Finding Nemo

I've been working on a famous addresses project, and my sister told me I should pen the dentist office's address from Finding Nemo, which I thought was just adorable. It has no zip code because, well, it's sadly not a real address. But it was a lot of fun to write.
I think the font matches the theme well. I chose to space out the lettering in a flowy pattern, and the curly flourishes remind me of water waves. This is a new font I've been working on -it's a basic Copperplate, except for the ascender (the upper vertical portion of long letters such as l, t, or f), which is much rounder and more accentuated, and some of the capital letterforms (such as P and A) braking formal patterns for the sake of mimicking the new "fatness" of minuscules. I love it!! Oh, little Squirt on the left was watercolored.

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